Miembro Junta Patriótica Cubana

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27 November 2005


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Painful and enraging as these images are, it is good you are posting them. This way we get to know the face of the murderers, in anticipation of the day they will be brought to justice - and hopefully these assassins will find themselves hanging together, in true "revolutionary solidarity." They can no longer remain hidden, thanks to those, including yourself, who fearlessly expose them for the whole world to see.

Gracias Alberto- Every time I see yet another article from the MSM promoting this butcher I am sickened. Oh yeah, Venezuelans are so lucky to have him. This is the true face of evil.

"The man in the red beret has been identified as Alberto Rojas"

Who has identified him?

Todo se paga en la vida, Kathleen. These butchers will one day reap what they sow.

ALberto Rojas is my Great Uncle. I dont know much about him, except that as soon as my Grandma saw this picture she said "Hay dios!! Ese tipo es tu Tio, Tan loco que handaba, hay no hay que olvidar"
Translates into "Oh my God!! That guy is your UNcle, he was pretty crazy, oh no we should forget about him."
My mothers maiden name is Rojas and immigrated to U.S. during the Cuban Refugee crisis back in the 70's. The family that stayed behind was mostly equal to enlisted and a few officers in castro's militia. THere is a statue of Alberto Rojas IN a small town in CUba. If anyone has a picture of this statue please dont hesitate to send it to me. I would be very grateful.

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Henry Garces, Contributing Writer

Remember 9/11

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  • The purpose of this blog is to use my small voice to denounce and combat the repressive regime of the castro brothers and their henchmen. To that purpose, I will not publish or endorse views that are destructive or divisive to anti-castro individuals or groups either on the Island or in exile whether I agree with them or not. I believe that the only way to bring down the tyrant is with a united opposition. That said, all comments are welcome and will not be deleted or edited in any way unless they support the castro regime, his allies, or I deem them anti-American, hateful or inappropriate.
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