Miembro Junta Patriótica Cubana

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16 November 2005


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Again, not a single politician or celebrity accompanied there. I wonder who those politicians are representing.... They abandoned these poor men and women and their family on the CG cutter.
Not a single "visible head" from any field was there either. They were left to their own resources and the only company they had was invisible, in the form of bloggers' comments and prayers.

My name is Marlene Gil this story is about my family...Jose Lopez is my cousin...What he did was brave and right... We will stand by him no matter what... Until theres a free cuba... Gilberto was my grandfather and Jose pinares was my uncle who was executed in bolivia with Che...My father Dagoberto Gil passed away in 2004 his ashes were flown to Cuba, where his parents are buried and his heart was...and still is...

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Henry Garces, Contributing Writer

Remember 9/11

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