Day 10
La Ventanita has breaking news.
Ramón Saúl Sanchez continues his hunger strike near the Monument to Brigade 2506 on Calle Ocho. Sanchez has vowed to maintain the hunger strike until he dies unless high level members of the administration agree to meet with leaders of the Cuban American Community and reevaluate the wet foot dry foot policy. Why isn´t the MSM reporting this story? Babalublog and Killcastro also question the lack of media coverage. El Nuevo Herald (spanish only) has an update in todays edition.
The Miami Herald is reporting behind-the-scenes talks between Cuban exile leaders and Gov. Jeb Bush's office aimed at finding a way to persuade Sánchez to end his hunger strike. A deal could be announced soon.
Hat tip: Robert
From netforcubaenespanol
Statement of Ramón Saul Sánchez
My express Will and Determination:
I, Ramón Saúl Sánchez, prohibits that any person, entity or government institution including the paramedics, remove me from this site of the hunger strike, at the Monument of the Martyrs of the 2506 Brigade, to be transported to any hospital, clinic and or other location that provides medical services. This I ask in the event that I loose consciousness, I humbly ask that my will be respected in this prohibition and determination.
This prohibition will be instantly lifted in the event in which the President of the United States, or whom he designates, proves in writing or gives public Testimony that the United States government is willing to meet with the Commission that represents The Cuban Community.
Signed by:
Ramón Saúl Sánchez
Exilio, 16 de enero del 2006
10:40 AM
Mi voluntad expresa
Josefina Vento – 1/16/06
Ahmed Y. Martel – 1/16/06
Netforcuba-Miami, January 14, 2005-Exiled activist Ramon Saul Sanchez, leader of the Democracy Movement, continues on a hunger strike, which he began on Saturday, January 7. Sanchez, who spent a week at Downtown Miami’s Freedom Tower, has vowed not to end his hunger strike until representatives of the Cuban exile community are granted a meeting with representatives of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the branch of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, to talk about Cuban immigration policy, in particular about the wet foot-dry foot policy. As of noon on Saturday, January 14, Mr. Sanchez has been at the Torch of Freedom, on 8th Street and 13th Avenue in Little Havana.
Mr. Sanchez is in a poor state of health. His blood pressure is very low, and his overall situation is going from bad to worse. Many who are by Mr. Sanchez’s side made the same comment: “his state is quickly deteriorating”. Mr. Sanchez himself declared to those present at a meeting on Friday, January 13th that, should he be hospitalized, he does not want to be given an IV.
The strike began following the detention and repatriation of 15 Cuban rafters who had reached the old Seven Mile Bridge in the Florida Keys. The repatriation has caused indignation in the Cuban exile community, which asks the U.S. government to revise its immigration policy towards Cuba.
Jovenes por una Cuba Libre encourages everyone to visit Ramon Saul Sanchez and show their support by stopping by the Torch of Freedom, 8th Street and 13th Avenue, S.W. At the site there is a book of signatures, where all those who wish to do so may write messages of support. Those who cannot sign the book in person may send an email with their name, city, and message to [email protected] It is also important for everyone to call or write to:
The White House
[email protected]
Department of Homeland Security
Email link
UPDATE- Felipe Rojas has vowed to take Sánchez' place if he dies of hunger. Read here.
Please contact National Media outlets and ask them why they are ignoring this story. Here are some links. NY Post Washington Times,2933,77538,00.html Page with numerous Fox email addresses Reuters
[email protected] MSNBC Associated Press Big News –Contact info at bottom of page Real Clear Politics link page- they have everyone!
En Español
Ramón Saul Sanchez, Lider del Movimiento Democracia, Entre la Vida y la Muerte
Miami-14 de enero. El activista exiliado Ramón Saul Sanchez, lider del Movimiento Democracia, continua en huelga de hambre, la cual comenzo el sabado, 7 de enero. Sanchez, quien ha pasado una semana en la Torre de la Libertad, en el Downtown de Miami, dijo no parar la huelga de hambre hasta que se le conceda a representantes del exilio cubano una audiencia con el U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, o USCIS, rama del Departamento de Seguridad Interna (Homeland Security) responsable de inmigracion y ciudadania, para tratar el tema de la inmigracion cubana, en particular la politica de pies secos y pies mojados. A partir del sabado 14 al mediodia, Sanchez se encuentra en la Antorcha de la Libertad, en la Calle 8 y la Avenida 13 de la Pequeña Habana.
Sanchez esta en mal estado de salud. Su presion arterial se encuentra muy baja, y su situacion general va de mal en peor. Muchos de los que se encuentran con Sanchez comentaron los mismo: “su situation” va en picada”. Por su parte, Sanchez declaro ante los presentes en la reunion del viernes 13, que si hubiera que hospitalizarlo, no quiere que le pongan un suero.
La huelga se produjo tras la detencion y repatriacion de 15 balseros cubanos quienes habian llegado al antiguo Puente de las Siete Millas, en los Cayos de la Florida. La repatriacion ha causado indignacion en la comunidad del exilio cubano, la cual pide al gobierno estadounidense una revision a la politica migratoria hacia Cuba.
Jovenes por una Cuba Libre pide a todos que visiten a Ramon Saul Sanchez y le muestren su apoyo en la Antorcha de la Libertad, en la Calle 8 y la 13 Avenida del S.W. En el sitio hay un libro de firmas, donde todos los que deseen puedan escribir mensajes de apoyo. Si no pueden ir a firmar el libro en persona, pueden mandar un correo electronico con su nombre, ciudad, y mensaje de apoyo. Tambien es importante que todos llamen o escriban a:
La Casa Blanca
[email protected]
Departamento de Seguridad Interna (Homeland Security)
This guy is literally putting his life on the line. Thanks for the information! Where is the mainstream media? All the so called activist? we need to show Ramon Sanchez our support!!!
Posted by: Alfredo | 15 January 2006 at 11:00 AM