March 18, 2003 to March 18, 2006: Three years after "black spring" the independent press refuses to remain in the dark
On March 18, 2003, an unprecedented wave of repression broke over Cuban dissidents. For three days, ninety opponents of the regime were arrested on grounds that they were "agents of the American enemy." Among them were twenty-seven journalists. Nearly all of them were tried under the "88 Law" of February 1999, which protects the "national independence and economy of Cuba," and were given prison sentences ranging from 14 to 27 years.
This "black spring" dealt a heavy blow to Cuba's independent press, which had started to emerge on the island in the early 1990s with the creation of small news agencies. Since the latter's founders and directors who had been thrown in jail, many journalists preferred to give up their profession or opt for a life of exile. Did independent journalism die out in Cuba that day? Three years after the crackdown, Reporters Without Borders wanted to take stock of the situation.
Unable to send representatives to Cuba, the organization contacted journalists who were still living on the island, or in exile, members of an agency or freelancers, families of jailed dissidents and media outlets - such as Internet websites, radio stations, and publications - most of whom are based in Miami (the second largest Cuban city in the world, with close to 3 million nationals), Puerto Rico, and Madrid. Although it is difficult at present to estimate the exact number of working journalists in Cuba, and their working conditions are even more precarious in the wake of a new wave of repression that has begun to spread across the country, the unofficial Cuban press has not given up. In fact, it constitutes the top news source on the status of human rights on the island. However, its clandestine situation has forced it to be a press "from the inside for the outside", one nearly inaccessible to those whom it covers on a daily basis.
International Call.
For them, for everyone, and for each of the human rights movements, civilian and political within Cuba, valiant Cuban organizations in exile we will mobilize internationally protesting and denouncing in front of diplomatic missions of the Cuban dictatorship everywhere where compatriots and friends of the Cuban people will support us in this cause. THE EVENT WILL TAKE PLACE THIS MARCH 18 2006.
Cubans, this 18th of March we want to join you in giving voice to our brothers in Cuba who risk their lives and freedom every day facing all sorts of repression and the fascist parapolice brigades of fast response. This call goes out for them.
There are more than the four hundred prisoners of conscience and defenders of human rights and of life, tens of journalists, poets and pacifist citizens who are suffering the rigors of Cuban jails, lacking medical attention and enduring other abuses. It is for all of them that we call for this international mobilization.
With this action we also continue publicly denouncing the repressive character of the Cuban dictatorship and the systematic violation of human rights in Cuba. Cuban brothers, friends, we await you in each country and each city where we stage our protest. Please attend; your first priority is the mother country. THE EVENT WILL TAKE PLACE THIS MARCH 18 2006.
In support for our brothers who fight on the island, Saturday March 18 and Sunday March 19, protests, masses and other events will take place around the world.
Following is a worldwide list of places where it will occur the organizations names and contacts are below:
Amsterdam, Holland. (PROTEST)
Protest in Plaza del Dam
March 18, 1:00 PM TO 3.00 PM
Martha Fernández
Iglesias en Acción
[email protected]
Berlin, Germany. (PROTEST)
Protest in front of Cuba Embassy
March 18, 10:00 AM A 1:00 PM
Eng. Maria Elena Morejón
Movimiento Cubano de Unidad Democrática
[email protected]
Leonie Jana Wagner
ISHR (International Society of Human Rights)
Tel: 069-420-108-0
Fax: 069-420-108-33
[email protected]
Madrid, Spain. (PROTEST)
Protest in front of Cuba Embassy
March 18, 10:00 AM A 1:00 PM
Rigoberto Carceller Ibarra
Miguel Ángel García Puñales
Plataforma Internacional Cuba Democracia Ya!
[email protected]
Teléfonos: 0034 656 47 0342
0034 636 28 0799
Miami, USA. (MASS)
Mass at La Ermita de la Caridad
March 19, 8:00 PM
Yolanda Huerga
Directorio Democrático Cubano
Coalición de Mujeres Cubano Americanas
Invite to participate:
Coordinadora Nacional Cubana
Movimiento Cubano Unidad Democrática
Contadores Públicos de Cuba
Montevideo, Uruguay. (PROTEST)
Protest in front of Cuba Embassy
March 18, (Time to be confirmed)
Red Uruguaya por Democracia para Cuba
Comité Uruguayo de Jóvenes por la Democracia en Cuba
Antonio Romero
[email protected]
New York, USA. (PROTEST)
Protest in front of Cuba Office at UN.
March 18 (Time to be confirmed))
Grupo de Apoyo a Masones en Cuba
Héctor Lemagne
[email protected]
Paris, France. (PROTEST)
Protest in front of Cuba Embassy
March 18 4:00 to 6:00 PM
Contact: Laurent Muller and Francoise Hostalier
Colectivo Solidaridad Cuba Libre and Asociacion Derechos del Hombre
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 06 0337 5757
Raleigh, North Carolina. USA. (MASS)
Mass at Sagrado Corazón Cathedral
March 19, 12 Noon
Frank Castillo
[email protected]
Gonzálo Fernández
[email protected]
San Juan, Puerto Rico. (PROTEST)
March 18, 10:00 AM
Place: Busto de Martí
Ave. Ponce de León, Hato Rey, San Juan.
Luís Alberto Ramírez
Frente para la Libertad Total de Cuba
[email protected]
Toronto, Canadá. (PROTEST)
Protest in front of Cuba Consulate
March 18, 11:00 AM
Cuban Canadian Foundation
Contact: Ismael Sambra
[email protected]
Washington D.C. (PROTEST)
March 18, 11:00 AM
Protest in front of Cuba Interest Office
(2630 16th Street, NW, Washington, D.C.)
Pedro López
Coordinadora Nacional Cubana
[email protected]
Phone (786)419-6163
Eng. César Alarcón
Movimiento Cubano de Unidad Democrática
[email protected]
S.O.S. Justicia
Net For Cuba International
[email protected]
Also on March 18, there will be Protests in front of Cuba embassies in: Costa Rica, England, Czech Republic, and Sweden.
Calling and/or supporting Organizations:
Partido del Pueblo
José Pérez Linares
Ignacio Castro Matos
Coordinador General
Dr. Gerardo Sánchez
Junta Patriótica Cubana
Eng. Ernestina Abreu
E-mail: [email protected]
Net For Cuba International
Director: Lourdes Pagani
[email protected]
Director: Ahmed Martel
[email protected]
Cuba Europa
Pax Christi Holanda
Cuba Futuro
Glasnost en Cuba
Organización de Periodistas holandeses
Amnistía Internacional Holanda
From Netforcuba, please support them.
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