When five Cuban agents were convicted of spying in 2001, a vigorous leftwing “Free the Five” campaign began. These leftists, part of Fidel Castro’s propaganda machine, would have you believe that the spies were unfairly tried, and are unfairly detained as political prisoners.
The “Cuban Five” are agents and officers of Cuba’s foreign intelligence service. They were among a group of ten agents arrested that were part of Cuba’s “Wasp Network.” Five of the accused pleaded guilty, while the “Cuban Five” fought the charges. They were convicted on 26 counts ranging from using false identification, to espionage, and conspiracy to commit murder. They were convicted in an American court, with all the protections afforded by United States law, and that conviction was upheld on appeal.
With another hearing pending, the Castro regimes propaganda machine is actively advocating on their behalf. Also advocating on their behalf are Americans of questionable loyalty, for instance, Leonard Weinglass, attorney for one of the “Five”. He is also a gifted orator, and useful idiot extraordinaire. A long time hack for Fidel Castro and communist causes, he is a mouthpiece for dictators Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez. He would have us excuse the “Five’s” crimes against our state based on Castro originated slander against one ethnic group in the United States, the Cuban-Americans.
If that argument were acceptable, then Israeli agents would be allowed to target American Mosques, Brits would be able to target certain groups of Irish Americans, and so on. No American's loyalty and patriotism should be questioned based on ethnicity.
In his continued effort to gain public support for these criminals, and to bolster Cuba’s long-standing campaign against Cuban-exile Luis Posada Carrilles, Weinglass is attempting to manipulate public opinion by juxtaposing the “Cuban Five” case with Cuban originated accusations that the U.S. is harboring a terrorist. Luis Posada Carriles, falsely labeled as such by Fidel Castro and leftist groups, was twice acquitted of the charge in Venezuelan courts. Mr. Weinglass artfully narrates the Cuban state version of Posada Carriles alleged crimes, but don't be fooled by this snake oil salesman. A lie often repeated, no matter how artfully presented, is still a lie. It is my opinion that Leonard Weinglass is more an enemy agent than is Luis Posada Carriles a terrorist.
I think this guy is treasonous and should be delt with as such.
Posted by: Lori | 29 October 2007 at 06:08 AM
Weinglass is more than just a useful idiot. His record of knowledgeable activism goes back to the Chicago Seven trial.
Posted by: Bleepless | 29 October 2007 at 06:31 PM
Has Weinglass registered as a foreign agent? Where is the money coming from to support his BS activism? Since when does a lawyer work for nothing. He is getting "paid off" somehow. Follow the money!
Posted by: John Hussey | 30 October 2007 at 04:31 AM
Mr. J. Hussey,
I can tell you where the that trail will lead you. It will take you off shore 90 miles from the US coast.
Posted by: Lori | 30 October 2007 at 06:01 AM
Lori, I agree with you. A trial would be great and wouldn't it be a lot of fun to watch all those involved SQUIRM and run for cover? :)
Posted by: John Hussey | 30 October 2007 at 07:19 AM