On this, the 6th anniversary of the Black Spring crackdown, all the media hype about change in Cuba notwithstanding, none of the 75 political prisoners have been released for any reason other than poor health or having finished serving their sentence, and 55 remain incarcerated under horrific inhumane conditions. There has been no easing of the harsh repression of dissent in Cuba. Can Cubans speak freely, even going as far as to criticize the government, without being labeled or subject to reprisals? No. Can Cubans with opinions different to those of the government express themselves through media outlets that are financed by the people's money? No. Is there a right to establish and sustain independent publications and broadcasters independent from the government? No. Can workers freely form unions? No. Can students, professionals, religious people, and citizens with different ideas or interests organize legally and freely? No. Are there independent NGOs that the government does not persecute? No. Are there any political parties besides the Communist Party that are not persecuted? No. Can non-Communist Cubans legally organize in political parties? No. Can Cubans leave or enter Cuba legally and freely? No. Can Cubans choose their deputies and their governments democratically, from among several candidates, in a framework of democracy and pluralism? No. In the last 60 years, have Cubans been able to democratically elect their government? No. Do the Cuban people have the opportunity to exercise self-determination and freely decide on a Referendum, or endorse free elections on changes in the country or government, as has been done by the people of the United States and in many Latin American countries? No. Why?
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